Set in the hinterland of Australia’s Gold Coast during the political times of the late 20th century and filled with optimism and humour, Makara’s Mission is the fast-paced journey of the unsuspecting family of an incarnate master and the five strong women within it.
Unbeknownst to his adult children, their father’s mission will have a profound effect on their close-knit family, that weaves an intricate tapestry of loose ends with unanswered questions.
Marc, the eldest, after experiencing the shame of his father’s conscientious objection to the Vietnam War, blames him for the death of his mother. He decides politics is the only way to create effective change, yet it is his wife that holds the family together when his world (and that of their daughter) is all but destroyed by those seeking to maintain the status-quo.
John tried to follow his father’s example by entering the seminary, only to find disillusionment and corruption. He leaves to ‘go bush’ as a wildlife officer with his soft, gentle and kind wife who is fully in-tune with the natural world – both seen and unseen.
Maree, with her two girls escapes an abusive marriage to find sanctuary with her father, where she reconnects with her own innate healing power. Her new soulmate introduces answers to the family’s questions.
Each in their own way accepts the challenge to fight for change - ecological, medical and governmental - yet none foresee the impact the old man’s mission will have on their families.
Makara’s Mission is a modern take on David and Goliath; one man’s fight against the mighty. Today’s Goliath’s are the multinational corporate institutions who have the money and power to swing the balance and destroy any opposition. Above all it is an exposé of the origin of basic Christian beliefs; the hidden agenda of all political parties; the interference in modern medical practice by large pharmaceutical companies and the suffering of the innocents from the above.
Voted one of Queensland’s ‘Most Intriguing Women’, Ruth Sharkey is an internationally renowned natural therapist, teacher, artist and best-selling author of eight books on natural healing - including ‘Natural Conception’, ‘Fertile Fathers’ and ‘Healing The Bodies’. Featured as ‘Australia’s ‘Baby-Maker’ for her success in assisting so-called infertile couples, Ruth also co-hosted two talk-back radio programmes for 11 and 13 years consecutively. Makara’s Mission is her first novel.
Makara's Mission
Good news for those awating the release of Ruth's latest book, Marakra's Mission is now available in hardcover, paperback plus as an e-book.
This book is a fictional novel, losely based on events Ruth and Dennis experienced and laced with humour, mythology, philosophical and spiritual concepts.